Sunday 15 January 2017


                               Image result for christmas vacation picture for my blog

                          The most exciting time for all of us are having a vacation together with my family.having a friends outing.And eating food together with family and friends.and preparing food together with cousins for the event. Yes! it maybe just a simple get together but all the memories are extra ordinary .. 

My family celebrates Christmas. It’s my favorite time of year. We are Christians, but it’s never really been overly religious or about going to church for us. We always just spend quality time with our family. Not just immediate family – but aunts, uncles, cousins and friends too!

I love everything about Christmas. Everything about a beautiful nativity scene, decorations, cooking, baking, gift giving, Frosty, Santa, Rudolph, The New Year Baby and mostly just spending time with friends and family. 

Thank you and my God blessed you all !!

Monday 12 December 2016

Good Day Everyone. First of all i would like to introduce my self. I'm Jessa May M. Libradilla and I'm 16 years of Age.

My blog is not just about me, in the sense that it’s not dedicated to all my recipes, but more a balance between that and spreading the word about other food blogs, cookery books, cafes, and other things that inspire me. As a student, money is a problem and I constantly get questioned about how I can afford to live the live I live in terms of my food. However this is a HUGE misconception. Healthy eating is not expensive. It is all about organization and information. If you are organized and can make bulk then that rapidly reduces cost. Furthermore to be informed as to the best way to buy foods is also essential. For example the dirty dozen is a list of the 12 most important fruit and veg to buy organic while the rest are ok to buy nonorganic (if budget is a problem) and this informative list helps prioritize which foods to spend money on and what not.